《樱花园》是一部讲述一个俄罗斯贵族家庭因管理不善而面临重大财政和经济问题的戏剧。因此,贵族们看到一个著名而美丽的樱花园所在的家庭财产受到威胁,为了帮助,一位父母是家庭佣人的商人发现没有人做出认真的决定,并提议将庄园变成一个度假胜地来拯救庄园,这意味着要翻修庄园,砍伐花园里的树木。负债累累的地主正走向一个十字路口:他们可以等待拍卖会,看看会发生什么,或者他们可以尝试拯救商人提议的庄园,并见证花园的最终拆除,这是一个家庭传统。Madame Ranevskaya is a spoiled, aging aristocratic lady who returns from a trip to Paris to face the loss of her magnificent Cherry Orchard estate after a default on the mortgage. In denial, she continues living in the past, deluding herself and her family, while the beautiful cherry trees are being axed down by the re-possessor Lopakhin, her former serf, who has his own agenda.