波兰导演西尔维斯特·亚基莫的长片处女作,讲述三名人到中年仍然啃老的发小,从未停止寻求快速致富之道的故事。他巧妙运用插叙手法,沿袭波兰喜剧传统,把原本荒谬的故事情节处理得笑料百出,更通过关键情节的卡顿处理强化幽默效果。在三个好朋友屡败屡战、看似愚蠢的坑蒙拐骗行为中,不经意间回归到单纯真实、富有同情心的人性本源,传达片名所代表的乐观处世哲学。The protagonists of the film are three typical losers in their 30s - Albert, Marcin, and Jacek - childhood friends still living with their parents in blocks of flats on the outskirts of the town. Their friendship remained strong throughout the years, even though it doesn't always inspire them to move on with their lives. Their individual stories, which we learn about in a series of flashbacks, where a streak of failures, brought about by their and their friends' stupidity and irresponsibility.