为了遏制日趋严重的青少年自杀行为,日本通过了一项名为“青少年自杀抑制项目(YSC)”的法令,在该法令推动下,许多未成年的青少年被召集软禁在隔绝的空间里,他们的心脏被植入一种装置,通过外部开关可以导致心脏跳动停止,达到自杀的目的。在这座与世隔绝的“监狱”内,陆陆续续有少男少女因不堪忍受严苛的环境而按下按钮自杀,他们的死则成为政府研究的案例推广到全国。转眼15年过去,在某座监狱里尚有真沙美(水沢エレナ 饰)、寻(與真司郎 饰)、新庄亮太(太賀 饰)等六人存活,他们彼此鼓励,相约活着走出围墙。这一天,名叫南洋平(小出惠介 饰)的看守调任于此,一切发生了改变…… 本片根据山田悠介的同名小说改编。Due to the high suicide rate among youths in Japan, the government implements experiments to uncover the causes behind the high suicide rate. Children are selected and placed in a YSC facility under constant surveillance. At the age of 10, the children are then give a detonator with a red switch. They are told if they press the switch they will die immediately. Most of the children under the experiment, eventually presses the switch and dies. Only six of them survive after 7 years, what will happen to them?