从大陆撤到台湾的一批将士及其亲属中,有一个来自河南的大家庭。除了将军的跟班福顺和姥姥(陶述 饰)中意的那副齐白石的柿子图意外走散,家里人口总算齐全的到达了台湾。 换了一个新地方,姥姥各种不适应,被将军女婿(石隽 饰)许诺不久就能重返老家。但随着时间的推移,这个问题很少再被提及。横在一家人面前的是生活的难题。家里小孩众多,物资匮乏,但点子颇多的姥姥常常化腐朽为神奇。像是把女婿照的X光片裁成多份做写字板;跟教堂的修女弄好关系得到面粉牛奶;把女婿的锦旗做成孩子们校运会的旗帜等,过程中惹出不少笑话。而没了官职的将军则和妻子倒弄起养殖业,鸡鸭青蛙鱼轮番上阵,还卖过铅笔,但都没能赚到钱。日子就这么平平淡淡过去,孙辈渐渐长大,而福顺(赵正平 饰)意外地和这家人再次相遇,带来了姥姥的那副柿子图及那份不曾离去的乡愁。In 1949, the Communists take over mainland. The refugees and the military arrive in the Keelung Harbor in Taiwan. While the father holds secret meetings with other generals in attempt to recover the lost land, the kids still play games with their grandma who still enjoys the harmony and peace in hardship. Gradually, it seems that there was no hope to fight back the fatherland. The general turned father has to run a small business to support the family. He encounters a series of struggles. And finally his kids grow up.