已过不惑之年的阿平(小沢昭一 饰)以制作色情音像制品为生,偶然机缘他和房东——松田理发店的未亡人阿春(坂本スミ子 饰)相恋,并成为了实质上的夫妻。阿春虽渴望新的生活,但是心中却有着深深的忌惮。她相信丈夫去世那天降生的鲤鱼便是丈夫的化身,因此鲤鱼任何异常的表现都牵动着她敏感的神经。阿春还有一双儿女,幸一(近藤正臣 饰)是一名久久离不开母亲呵护的高中生,女儿惠子(佐川啓子 饰)则显得过于独立,且和阿平之间有着纠缠不清的暧昧。随着阿春突然病倒,这个普通却又奇怪的小家庭慢慢走向失衡…… 本片根据野坂昭如的原作改编。Mr. Ogata lives a complicated life: he is a pornographer making two skin flicks per day and trying to stay beneath the radar screen of the local mob; he deeply loves his ailing wife Haru who's cursed by the restless spirit of her dead first husband; he also has a mistress, a step-son who wants to go to university, and a step-daughter entering adolescence. He lusts after his step-daughter, and when Haru finds out about those sexual advances, she asks him to marry the girl. Haru even signs over her business to him, and a crisis ensues when Ogata uses her nest egg to buy equipment so he and his pals can set up their own film processing lab. Surreal images and events weave their way into Ogata's life.