水树沙罗(岛崎遥香 饰)是一个在演艺圈打拼多年的青年女演员,虽然她努力磨练演技,勤奋专注,却始终未得到世人的关注。在此期间她受到来自事务所的压力,二者相权之际最终选择参加剧作家锦野豪太(小市慢太郎 饰)的新作《鲜血的召唤》的试镜。《鲜血的召唤》根据史上真实人物嗜血如命的伊丽莎白的故事改编,为了美这个女人不惜残害鲜活的生命。沙罗与同事务所小有名气的女星筱原葵(高田里穗 饰)一同试镜,两人最终分别获得了农家女孩安娜以及主角伊丽莎白的角色。 在排演过程中,放置在舞台中央的人偶似乎有了自己的意识,让本就为了荣光而近乎癫狂的女子们更走向了崩溃的边缘……Sara is totally happy. The young actress gained her first little role in a play by the playhouse-baron Gota Nishikono. Sara admires the leading actresses Aoi and Kaori who are practicing hard every day. But then a staff member is found dead and while the police is investigating the situation, Aoi falls from a balcony and is taken to hospital. Due to her injuries she won't be able to play the leading role. So, in a hurry, Gota gives the part to Sara who is almost overwhelmed. But Sara has got to learn very soon, that having the leading role is not to her advantage. Because she is recognizing slowly that somebody or something is trying to end the production at all cost!