自从艾力欧走后,友枝町又恢复了宁静。无法目睹到小樱(丹下樱 配音)收复卡片英姿的知世(岩男润子 配音)找来了DV,自己弄起了特摄剧。在看录像带的过程中,小樱看到了小狼(熊井素子 配音)的影像,不经红了脸。小狼回到香港已经四个月了,距离小狼告白也有四个月了。这期间小樱一直模拟着告白,希望下次再见到小狼时,当面告诉他。 艾利欧的家被拆了后,建起了游乐园。某次小樱和知世经过时,小樱发觉了不一样的气息,追随着跑进游乐园,结果撞上了一个人,抬头一看发现竟然是小狼。原来小狼和莓玲趁暑假来日本玩。再次和小狼相见,让小樱非常紧张也在寻找表达心意的机会,但无奈都被阴差阳错的打乱。而这时,小樱发现自己的牌变少了,而牌走失的方向正是游乐园。传说中被封印的最后一张卡片,艰难的战斗,小樱能否胜利?而她是否又能向小狼成功传达心意呢?All the cards have been captured and transformed, with Sakura and friends settling back into their normal lives. Unfortunately, Syaoran has returned home to Hong Kong without Sakura ever confessing how she felt about him. She gets another chance when he returns to Japan on vacation, but their reunion is interrupted by the reappearance of the Hope Card. Created by Clow Reed long ago to provide a balance to the energy of the other Clow Cards, it is more powerful than anything the Card Captor has ever faced. To capture it, Sakura may have to give up her most precious feeling.