影片男主角的原型是一位伊朗裔,加拿大籍的记者巴哈里(Maziar Bahari)。2009年,巴哈里作为美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)驻伊朗记者,报道当年的伊朗总统大选。6月13日,选举委员会宣布艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)获胜后,其竞争对手的支持者上街游行,巴哈里拍下了这场被称为“伊朗绿色革命”的抗议活动。6月21日,他从德黑兰的家中被带走,经历118天的监禁后获释。 其后巴哈里将自己的这段经历写成回忆录《Then They Came for Me》,于2011年出版。在书中,他描述自己遭到折磨和审讯,对方视他为潜入伊朗的间谍。由于双眼被蒙住,看不清提审人的面容,只闻到他身上的玫瑰香水味,巴哈里在书中就以“玫瑰香水”(Rosewater)称呼对方,影片的片名也是由此而来。Based of a true story about a journalist who gets detained and brutally interrogated in prison for 118 days. The journalist Maziar Bahari was blindfolded and interrogated for 4 months in Evin prison in Iran, while the only distinguishable feature about his captor is the distinct smell of rosewater. An interview and sketch that Maziar did with a journalist on The Daily Show was used as evidence that Maziar was a spy and in communication with the American government and the CIA.