曾经校园里诸多女生心目中的白马王子房野拓海(藤木直人 饰),如今全变成了游手好闲靠女人生活的小白脸,可即便如此,大龄剩女高梨真智(水野美纪 饰)的心中还是留有拓海的位置,甚至为了拓海不惜和情敌优本由加里(筱原凉子 饰)争风吃醋。 一次偶然中,真智得知了拓海堕落的真相,她答应拓海的学长帮助拓海重回人生的正轨,但此时的拓海早已经离开了无音讯。功夫不负有心人,真智总算找到了拓海,虽然表面上拒绝了真智的请求,但拓海还是重拾了摄影的梦想。随着时间的推移,拓海向真智发起了热烈的攻势,终于,心心相惜的两人排除了万难成为了情侣。Takanashi Machi is an attractive and successful veterinarian. The only problem is that she's still a virgin so Machi resolves to lose her virginity by the time she turns 28. While attending a class reunion, she and her friends reminisce about Takumi, a student from her class who was kind to her. Machi begins to fantasize about meeting him again. One day she sees a cat and chases after it. The owner, picks it up and it's none other than Takumi.