1999年开播的《救命病栋24时》创下高收视后,《救命病栋24时II》于2001年登场。这次虽然换了松雪泰子做女主角,但是整体表现超越第一部。该剧是2001夏季档日剧中收视冠军的作品,也是第30回日剧学院赏受封五项奖的大赢家,这次的系列续集不管在气势或质感,都更胜Part1版。 于是于2002年新春播出“豪华客船内で大事件発生”特别版,反应依然良好。After surviving from an incident of Cruise ship hijacking, both doctor Tamaki and the boy injured in the incident, Ryota Inamoto, suffered from different degrees of PTSD. Meanwhile, Doctor Chiharu Kanbayashi's wife is about to give birth to their first children. Would these doctors and patients succeed in overcoming their problems and welcome a happy new year?