阿伯德拉蒂夫·凯奇什(1960年—)的《躲闪》(L’Esquive,2003)深入描写了巴黎郊区北非移民后裔的生活,以纪实手法表现了处于青春萌动期的少年男女的恋爱经历。主人公是一个叫克里莫的十五岁的中学生,住在巴黎郊区的廉租房里,母亲在超市工作,父亲在监狱服刑。克里莫爱上了一个叫丽迪娅的漂亮女孩,然而这个女孩喜欢一种叫“爱情与偶然的游戏”。在同伴们的帮助下,克里莫试图向丽迪娅表白爱慕之情。本片导演凯奇什是突尼斯裔法国人,非常熟悉影片中描写的生活。In the slums of Paris, a group of students - primarily North African and Southeast Asian immigrants - are staging a class production of the Marivaux play "Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard," about the inevitability of class distinctions. Lead actress Lydia (Sara Forestier) takes to the material, encouraging and bullying the other students to take the production seriously. Meanwhile, her friend Krimo (Osman Elkharraz) plays her love interest on stage and harbors real affection as well.