有交流障碍,只能通过机器说话的Page(风间俊介 饰),超级洁癖的Taiko(生田斗真 饰),外表可爱其实是一名神出鬼没的黑客的Izumi(松嶋初音 饰),宅人心目中的完美女神Akira(小阪由佳 饰),行为举止怪异的自闭男Daruma(日村勇纪 饰),在一个治愈系网站“Yui的Life Gurad”的联结下,这五个平日里的怪咖走在了一起。 心目中偶像的黑暗历史和死亡带给了五个年轻人巨大的打击,然而,打击过后,他们却决定将偶像带来的正能量发扬光大。在Page的提议下,一间名为“秋叶原@DEEP”的公司成立了,无论遇到怎样的难题,只要找到这件公司,就都能够解决。公司的开展获得了巨大成功,但同时,一双邪恶的眼睛也默默盯上了兴高采烈的五人。Akihabara is a Tokyo district full of mangas, anime, electronics, video games, figurines, etc. It is a place that gathers fanatics of such themes, people who are commonly referred to as otaku. Page, Box, Akira, Taiko, Daruma, and Izumu are six otaku each with his/her own troubles and sought relief through a website called "Yui's Lifeguard." When site owner Yui died of a mysterious death, the six who are each experts in their own fields gathered to form "Akihabara@DEEP", a "trouble shooter" group that vows to protect Akihabara and solve the problems of its inhabitants.