在一段晦暗的日子里,云隐、雾隐和岩隐的忍者接连遭到神秘忍者的袭击,而从这些地方发来的通缉令全部指向了木叶村的漩涡鸣人(竹内顺子 配音)。鸣人百口莫辩,最终被五花大绑,投入了“血狱”鬼灯城。鬼灯城地处大海中央的孤岛之上,四周波涛汹涌,怒浪滔天,小岛悬崖峭壁,地势险恶。此处囚禁着或罪大恶极或忠义至上的上忍,加上城主无为(寺杣昌纪 配音)严酷的统治及严密防卫,鬼灯城堪称绝对无法逃脱的死地。即使明知不可为,鸣人也要想方设法从此地逃脱。在这一过程中,令他蒙受不白之冤的阴谋渐渐浮出水面…… 本片根据日本漫画家岸本齐史的同名经典原著改编,为该系列电影版的第八部。Naruto's battle to reclaim his honor begins! Naruto is convicted of a serious crime he didn't commit and is sent to the inescapable prison, Hozuki Castle. The warden, Mui, quickly seals away Naruto's chakra to prevent him from rebelling. Refusing to give up, Naruto plans his escape while also befriending his fellow inmates Ryuzetsu and Maroi. But he can't help but wonder what their ulterior motives are...