影片拍完后被禁映十年,原因据说是清洗时代牺牲者的遗属对这种用喜剧形式表现当年悲剧的作法不能接受。影片对斯大林主义和“个人崇拜的时代”进行的无情的讽刺的确十分辛辣。时代的牺牲者裴里康被写成一个—直到最后还不能理解事态真相的浑浑噩噩的人物,也富有深刻的含义。影片在揭露过去错误的同时,经常促使身处旋涡中的人们进行自省。这种含蓄的批评态度让人深思。鲍乔不愧是匈牙利著名的老导演,拍过数十部影片,本片是他最著名的影片,见解深刻,艺术手法炉火纯青。1973年获得巴拉兹奖金。Banned for over a decade for its outspoken criticism of the post-WWII communist regime in Hungary, Péter Bacsó's 'The Witness' has since then achieved unparalleled cult status in its native land. Known as the best satire about communism, 'The Witness' has become a cult classic, which was also well received by critics and general audiences alike when it was finally released outside of Hungary. Its candid and realistic portrayal of the incompetent communist regime has earned great acclaim for both the director and the film itself when it was shown at Cannes Film Festival in 1981. 'The Witness' takes place during the height of the Rákosi Era, which was closely modeled after the ruthless and brutal Stalin regime. The film follows the life of an ordinary dike keeper, József Pelikán, who has been caught for illegally slaughtering his pig, Dezsõ. Instead of doing hard time for his "heinous" crime, Pelikán is elevated into an important position, generally reserved for the communist elite. Of course, Pelikán is utterly clueless about his newfound luck, not to mention his new job. Even his new benefactor, the mysterious Comrade Virág, is reluctant to reveal the real reason behind Pelikán's preferential treatment. Thus, begins Pelikán's hilarious adventure deep within the "sophisticated" communist society. One failure after another the incompetent Pelikán is elevated higher and higher on the communist echelon, all the while remaining completely clueless about his promotions. Until one day, when he gets called for to return the "favour" by falsely testifying against his long-time friend in a mock-up show trial.