座头市是日本电影著名人物,是一个杀人如麻却充满人情味的侠客。「踏著破鞋游江湖,只有今天没明天,漂泊鸟儿何处去,知我路者唯竹杖。」正好道出盲侠座头市的一生。座头市,一位双目失明的剑客,途中遇上小产的志乃,依她遗愿,抱著刚出生的婴儿,寻找他的父亲佐太郎。佐太郎却误会座头市劫杀其妻,一场生死决战似乎在所难免……Blind masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi finds a robbed and fatally wounded pregnant woman, whose baby he delivers before she dies. He takes the baby in search of its father and finds the child's aunt, who is about to be forced into prostitution for want of a payment the dead mother was bringing. Zatoichi determines to save the woman from her fate.