时间是日本的战国时代,为了让织田信长拥有统一天下的力量,信长的近侍森兰丸,指挥著拥有妖魔般力量的忍者集团--陇众,分别袭击了影忍三流派:香澄、日向、叶块的村落,目的就是为了夺取由他们代代相传保护的三把妖刀!带著妖刀幸存的三人:香澄的绫女、日向的左近与叶块的龙马,誓要向信长讨回这血海深仇!究竟妖刀隐藏著甚么秘密力量?而信长与兰丸的企图又是甚么?In the year 1580, a man named Lord Nobunaga Oda sends hoards of unholy armies across Japan, slaying all who stand in their way. A young ninja escapes her villages' destruction with a short sword, one of the three mystical weapons that can end Oda's rule. During her quest, she is joined by two other ninjas who wield the other two weapons of legend, the sacred sword and spear.