年轻美丽的波琳正在和她性感的堂姐玛利恩在法国风景秀丽的大西洋海岸度假,这一切的发生是因为不久前三个男子诱惑她们陷入爱河。当谎言和欺骗妨碍他们多愁善感的情绪的时候,田园诗般的乐园不再甜蜜……波琳天真无邪的爱情观不再纯洁……Fifteen year old Pauline and her older cousin, model-shaped Marion, go to the emptying Atlantic coast for an autumn holiday. Marion ignores the approaches of a surfer and falls for Henri, a hedonist who is only interested in a sexual adventure and drops her soon. Pauline's little romance with a young man (Sylvain) is also spoiled by Henri.