唐僧(薛梅康 饰)想要只身一人下山化缘,遭到了孙悟空(吴文超 饰)的阻拦。然而,唐僧却并没有听徒弟的警告,一意孤行,结果在化缘途中遇见了居住在盘丝洞里的蜘蛛精(殷明珠 饰)。蜘蛛精将唐僧捉住盘丝洞,想要献给大王,孙悟空久久不见师父归来,出发寻找。 猪八戒亦邂逅了盘丝洞里的众美艳女妖,受到了女妖们的魅惑,鬼迷心窍的猪八戒放松了警惕,结果也被妖怪们抓获。孙悟空来到盘丝洞和众妖们展开了激烈的战斗,然寡不敌众,在这一紧要关头,观世音菩萨现身,教给了孙悟空一套降妖除魔之术。重装上阵的孙悟空再战群妖,并且最终获得了胜利。One of the earliest cinematic adaptation of Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. When seeking for food alone, Tang Xuanzang was kept prisoner by seven spider monsters who took the form of seven beautiful women. The Monkey King and the other two of Xuanzang's disciples managed to rescue him with the help of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva/Guanyin. They renounced the desire for lust and continued the quest for Buddhist Scriptures.