四人青年摇滚乐队“快速车道(Speed Way)”经过多年的辛苦打拼,终于迎来出道的关键时刻。他们的单曲大卖,现场演出火爆,歌迷和知名度与日俱增。然而就在此时,快速车道面临着两难的抉择。唱片公司老板(岸部四郎 饰)毫不关心音乐的本质,一心追逐最大商业利润;乐队其他成员则希望再写出一首畅销单曲,以吸引更多拥趸;而主音吉他手中岛(峯田和伸 饰)痛惜乐队对商业的屈从,立志追求摇滚乐的极义。乐队成员分歧不断,中岛渐渐感到孤立,这一过程中,只有女友(麻生久美子 饰)始终支持着他。某天,中岛在公寓中见到了心中的音乐之神——鲍勃•迪伦。他帮助中岛找到前进的方向…… 本片根据みうらじゅんの的同名漫画改编,宫藤官九郎操刀剧本。The story is set in the 80s rock scene and revolves around Nakajima (Kazunobu Mineta), the lead singer of a band called 'Speed Way'. Because he refuses to write trite, pop-friendly songs he is constantly at odds with his own record company. However, he refuses to bend on his rock principles simply for better record sales. The most interesting parts of this movie is how they pay homage to music icon, Bob Dylan who gave the filmmaker his blessing, which is no small feat itself, especially for a Japanese indie debut.