达米安,一个教亚洲文化的老师,受身为舞台剧导演的女友伊娃之托,帮助即将被驱逐出法的女孩佐丽察。女友不住要求达米安寻求在政府工作的父亲的帮助,只是达米安与父亲的关系并不如意,而一拖再拖。随着事件的进展,达米安的生活却发生着变化,与女友感情亮起红灯,发现了父亲几十年的秘密,更可怕的是,一直各种推诿的帮助对象,其实是自己有些许心仪的女孩......生活陷入一团乱麻的达米安重新意识到存在的价值,生活的意义,开始用尽全力帮助佐丽察。寻找霍腾瑟,其实也是寻回自我的过程。 本片入围第69届威尼斯电影节非竞赛单元,且入围2013年凯撒奖最佳男主角与最佳男配角奖项。同时,本片也是导演巴斯可·波尼茨和女主角克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯继2003年的《小伤痕》后的再度合作。Damien is a professor of Chinese civilization. Just now he has a problem: he has promised Iva, his life companion, to ask his father Sébastien, a state councilor, to intervene in favor of Zorica, an illegal alien. In theory, Sébastien Hauer is influential enough to keep Zorica from being expelled from France but the trouble is that he has always despised his son. As for Damien, he hates his old man. It looks as if Zorica is not on track to stay in the country for much longer...