1937年12月11日,南京城被围,中日双方展开血战。日军疯狂屠杀手无寸铁的中国百姓,中山门,日军残酷屠杀俘虏。日军第六师团长谷寿夫在中华门说,我们是第一个攻占南京的部队,必须载入史册,命令解除军纪三天,并说所有的中国女人都是慰安妇。日军第十六师团团长中岛今朝吾率部进入国民政府,他在蒋委员的办公室里设立了自己的司令部,南京正式沦陷。Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre is an uncompromising portrayal of the war crimes perpetrated by the Japanese Imperial Army upon the Chinese military and civilian population of Nanking during the occupation of the city. Hailed by critics as one of the most disturbing films ever released, Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre is unflinching in it's depiction of the barbaric cruelty with which the occupying army raped, pillaged and terrorized the defeated populace.