墨西哥最高安全级别的监狱里储存着敏感机密信息文件,美国中央情报局为收回该文件,向大盗杰克•斯迈利寻求帮助。杰克用计顺利成了该监狱的一名犯人,他边摸清地形,边等待着跟搭档们会合。杰克没想到诺尔玛会参与这次危险的行动,他似乎更爱这个甘愿为自己舍身犯险的女人了。杰克在行动中发现,监狱的安全级别如此之高其实是因为毒贩卡特尔在这儿藏了两千万的赃款。得知有人入侵监狱的卡特尔立即派了大量人手前来剿灭杰克等人。监狱里开始了一场斗智斗勇的殊死搏斗。嗅到阴谋气味的卡特尔开始寻找内鬼,杰克安插在他身边的赫克托暴露,被残忍的卡特尔处决。在监狱里与敌人周旋的杰克发现事情没有想象中顺利,似乎自己的队伍中也有人心怀不轨…The CIA enlists a professional thief to break into the safe at Mexico's top secret Guantanamo Bay-style prison facility and retrieve sensitive information being stored there. All hell breaks loose when the local Cartel Boss, who's millions in confiscated cash is also being stored in the safe, sends waves of thugs and professionals to siege the facility and steal back the money before the Mexican Army arrives with backup.