1954年,双亲离异后,十四岁的少年修跟随母亲来到了栃木县黑矶村。在陌生的学校,初来乍到的修感到非常不安。而年轻的班主任大月老师十分照顾他,修很快融入了新环境,还交到了新朋友。 明是班上成绩最好的学生。他闹出了许多问题,让大月老师十分为难。充满正义感的修很看不惯明。他决心采取行动……Set in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture in 1954, the movie tells the tale of 14-year-old boys: their friendships, fights among friends, and rebellions against the school. It also tells the story of the adults who live around the boys. This is a nostalgic, bitter, and sentimental journey into lives in the post-war environment.