アポロン星王子ダイアポロン因ダザーン軍団的侵略而国破家亡,年幼的ダイアポロン被随从带往地球并化名タケシ隐姓埋名。但不久ダザーン軍団又来侵略地球,タケシ在得知了自己的身世后为了保护地球而操纵UFO战士ダイアポロン挺身而战。The story is about 16 years old boy Takeshi who recently formed an American football team at the BlueSky orphanage. One day the game is interrupted by a light in the sky. Takeshi discovers he is the son of the king of the planet Apolon, spirited away to Earth by his father's retainer Rabi to avoid death at the hands of General Dazaan. He turns out to have special energy abilities which can control UFO saucers from under the ocean floor, which in turn can become robots that are synchronized to their movements.