在平田周造(桥爪功 饰)与妻子富子(吉行和子 饰)闹离婚后的数年,长男幸之助夫妇担心高龄者的危险驾驶,计划让老爸周造还掉自己的驾照,然而顽固的周造偏不还,让平田家族里再次蒙上不安的氛围。某日,周造与居酒屋女老板和开车回到故乡广岛的同级生丸田吟平偶遇,丸田已经变成落寞的孤 寡老人,周造组织了场同学聚会设法让丸田过得快乐,丸田在感动之余倾诉了他这些年的遭遇,当晚在睡梦中离世。……In this sequel to the first It's A Wonderful Family, the characters who are still based on those in Tokyo Family (which itself was based on Tokyo Story), are a couple of years older with the father, grandfather and husband has taken up driving, albeit not without a few bumps. The family revokes his privilege, which leads to an intra-family conflict.