《食之军师》以对“食”有着很强执着的本乡播(津田宽治饰)为故事主人公,讲述他四处寻访美食店家,根据自身的“兵法”,探求心中的“美学”的奇异美食故事。在寻访美食的过程中,本乡播(津田宽治饰)与力石馨(高冈奏辅饰)展开“食之对决”,同时,本乡播的脑内竟然存在三国时代的智将——诸葛孔明(篠井英介饰)!Hongo Ban is a middle-aged man who is very particular about delicious meals. He would follow his own \"tactics\" - the advice of his inner \"strategist\" - on what to order as well as what sequence to eat. He visits all sorts of eating establishments and refines his strategy in pursuit of the perfect meal.