"無実の罪で15年の刑を言い渡されたナミ(小阪由佳)。収監された“幽獄刑務所”は、看守長・相原(佐藤裕)の黒い欲望が渦巻く女たちには地獄の場所であった。リンチ・裏切り・レイプ・・・次々と襲いくる罠から、果たしてナミは抜け出せるのか!?トップアイドル・小阪由佳が挑む、これが“女囚モノ”の決定版!! "It looks like any other prison, but this specialized penitentiary was designed from the ground up to hold Japan's most ruthless female inmates. That makes it doubly deadly, because while the guards may be brutal and sadistic, the inmates outnumber them by a hundred to one! At any second the final, fatal riot may erupt, stoking the flames into an all-consuming inferno where it's every woman for herself!