维瓦尔第在罗马某政府机关工作,即将退休。他对自己的儿子寄予厚望,希望他能拥有美好的前程。不幸的是,父子俩无意中被卷入一场抢劫,儿子被流弹击中身亡。悲痛欲绝的父亲无法释怀,他开始策划一场漫长、邪恶、决绝的复仇。根据文琴佐•切拉米1976年的小说改编,电影混合了喜剧和荒诞的风格,情节跌宕起伏,主演索尔蒂出演此片时正处于其事业高峰期。Giovanni Vivaldi is an average middle-aged man with a secure job as a government accountant. He wishes nothing more than to set up his only son Mario, his biggest pride in the world, with the same secure government job before he eventually retires. For this, Giovanni will stop at nothing...