故事讲的是冷战时期,苏联著名棋手阿吉瓦虽然年老体弱,但仍被莫斯科方面派往日内瓦与一名被苏联政府驱逐的棋手弗洛姆对弈。在这场世纪大战中每个人似乎都成为了棋盘上的一颗棋子,比赛要打满10局看谁能够获胜!直到阿吉瓦心脏病发作倒在床榻上奄奄一息,两人的较量仍然没有结束……Two masters of chess duel each other not only in their game but also in their different ideologies. The veteran Akiva is a Soviet Jew and ferocious Communist, master of his game but also dealing with a declining health while the young and restless genius Pavius has defected to the West to escape from the Communism tentacles. Their differences will be put to test while they're both competing in the World Chess Championship, with a huge prize at stake just as much as the political ideologies behind those characters.