“Chouf”在阿拉伯语中是“看”的意思,但它也是马赛贩毒集团守夜人的名字。索菲亚内今年20岁,是一个非常聪明的学生。他回到他出生的地方——马赛贫民区,打算在这度过他的假期。索菲亚内的哥哥,一名毒贩子,在他的眼前中了枪。于是索菲亚内放弃了他的学业,进入了贩毒网络,准备为哥哥复仇。很快他就进入了集团顶层,成了毒贩老大的得力助手。困在贩毒体系内无法逃脱,索菲亚内被卷入了暴力的漩涡中......Chouf: it means "look" in Arabic, but it is also the name of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. A brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a dealer, gets shot before his eyes. Sofiane gives up on his studies and gets involved in the drug network, ready to avenge him. He quickly rises to the top and becomes the boss's right hand. Trapped by the system, Sofiane is dragged into a spiral of violence.