一桩日常的救援任务,激发了阳刚警探的另一种情欲。溺水男孩从水里滑入他的怀抱时,他情不自禁的勃起了——从此开启两人间一段不可收拾的禁忌爱情。而享受齐人福的警探对妻子的欢愉不减反增。那是1984年的盛夏——纵情纵欲的欢乐时光,但却在一夕之间变色:男孩被诊断感染了艾滋病毒,前 所未有的冲击朝着爱情的免疫系统奔涌袭来… 本片是金棕榈得主、最受尊崇的法国「后新浪潮」大师泰希内继《野芦苇》后又一挑战情爱极限的力作,入围柏林最高荣誉金熊奖。电影不只述说了异性与同性的爱情,更将「世纪绝症」搬上银幕。电影英文名“The Witnesses”是“见证人”的意思,落实在警察的妻子身上,以她的娓娓旁白串起三人的情欲纠葛,见证男孩生命的最后篇章。June 1984 to June 1985, from happy days to war to summer's return. A middle-aged doctor in Paris, Adrien, meets Manu, a young gay man from the provinces who lives with his sister, an opera singer. Adrien likes Manu, loves him even, in a Platonic relationship. Sarah, a writer, and Mehdi, a vice-squad cop, have an infant. Sarah discovers she has no taste for parenthood. Adrien bring Manu to Sarah's country cabin where Mehdi saves Manu from drowning. Back in Paris, an affair begins as a plague descends on Parisian gays. There are tests, illness, anger, relief, separations, and death. A year later, these friends meet again at the summer place. They are witnesses to how happiness has changed.