1992 年,立陶宛已从共产主义转向资本主义,这使得伊雷娜管理的小型国有养猪场处境艰难。就在农场面临关闭之际,帅气的美国人伯纳德来到了这里,声称这个猪场曾经属于他的父母。伯纳德买下农场,用他的投资让村里的生活不断改善;随着他声望的增长,村民们不再想听从前任老板。伊雷娜怀疑伯纳德的真实意图,于是开始监视他,后来伯纳德告诉了她关于他家的秘密:他的父母把一大堆宝藏埋在了农场下。伊雷娜倾倒于伯纳德的魅力之下,同意帮他拆除农场寻找宝藏,结果农场已毁,伯纳德的致富梦也破灭了,但对伊雷娜来说,生活有了新的转机......It is 1992 and Lithuania has shifted from communism to capitalism, leaving the small collective pig farm managed by Irena, in dire straits. Irena struggles to keep the farm and her workers afloat when a handsome American, Bernardas, arrives pledging to save the struggling enterprise and turns Irena's family life and routine of the village upside-down. As Irena begins to fall for his charms, she realizes that his intentions may not be entirely innocent.