一對年輕戀人,女孩從事幫傭,男孩在商場擔任警衛,雖然經濟困頓但仍決定結婚,然而一次不幸意外改變了他們的生活。語言:阿拉伯語、法語 新婚夫婦阿布德凱德和瑪莉卡住在摩納哥梅克內斯市,因為入不敷出而住在爸媽家,他們夢想早日搬出來,過自己的生活,但阿布德凱德在工作崗位碰到一樁暴力事件,兩人的命運從此天翻地覆。《瓦盧比利斯情事》描述絕境中的愛情故事。Abdelkader is a watchman and Malika is a house maid. They were just married and are madly in love. Despite money problems, they dream of moving in and starting their love life together. One day Abdelkader is going to live an incident of great violence, a humiliating experience that will ruin their destiny.