亚得里亚海滨城市里米尼的一个沉闷、萧索的冬天,英俊的达尼埃莱·多米尼奇Daniele Dominici来到这里的一所中学,临时代替生病的老师教文学。第一堂课上,他给了学生“自由阐述”和“亚历山德罗·曼佐尼及文学”两个讨论主题。与其他学生不同,女生瓦妮娜·阿巴蒂Vanina Abati更喜欢第二个主题,这引起了达尼埃莱的好奇。于是达尼埃莱对她发生了兴趣,送她司汤达的书,试图进入她的生活。而瓦妮娜总是回避和难以捉摸的态度令达尼埃莱对她更加着迷。在此期间,达尼埃莱度过吸毒、酗酒和赌博的无数个日日夜夜。尽管后来达尼埃莱通过在他的同事杰拉尔多·法瓦尼Gerardo Favani家放映的威尼斯旅行短片上,知道瓦妮娜是杰拉尔多的情人,但他越是被瓦妮娜的神秘美丽所吸引....In Italy, the gambler and professor of poetry Daniele Dominici arrives in the seaside town of Rimini and is hired to teach for four months in high school replacing another teacher. His relationship with his mate Monica is in crisis and he spends most of the time with his new acquaintances and gamblers Giorgio Mosca, Marcello and Gerardo Pavani. In classroom, he meets nineteen year old student Vanina Abati, who is Gerardo's girlfriend, and they fall in love for each other. Their relationship leads to a tragic end.