某中学,学生栗山大介和村上绿是一对情侣,二人夜晚在学校的游泳池嬉戏,次日大介被人暗算,诬陷他强暴了小绿。所谓百口莫辩,大介气愤不过,向美丽的班主任坂谷岛子(風祭ゆき 饰)递交了退学申请书。 不久暑假到来,岛子随情人到海边小镇度假。她的情人是一名刑警,早已组成家室,岛子虽然深知这一点,但仍和他义无反顾地厮守。与此同时,大介也漂泊到这个小镇,在危难时刻得到一对黑道情侣的帮助,从此在小镇扎下根来。偶然机会,岛子得知大介被诬陷的实情,她的心中涌起万千波澜。所谓机缘巧合,岛子偶然邂逅大介,他们将如何面对彼此……A high-school student and her boyfriend go skinny-dipping on a warm night. Soon the boy is being accused of committing a violent sexual assault on the girl. Enraged, he knocks down a female teacher and storms out of the school. He spends the summer in a beach town and finds himself mixed up in a dark world of sex and violence.