故事发生在1947年的法国,罗杰(Balthazar Dejean de la Bâtie 饰)的父亲参加了刚刚结束的第二次世界大战,不幸的在战争中成为了俘虏。回家之后,罗杰的父亲性情大变,常常借故殴打罗杰,叛逆的罗杰旷课逃学,无奈之下,父亲只得将罗杰送进了寄宿学校中,在那里,罗杰遇到了严厉而又古怪的米老师(西尔薇·泰斯图德 Sylvie Testud 饰)。 米老师的脾气虽然古怪,但却是发自内心的关心着罗杰,在她的教导之下,罗杰的成绩获得了大幅的提升。可是,虽然成绩变好了,但是罗杰的个性还是非常的调皮与顽固,在一场意外中,罗杰不慎导致了米老师身受重伤,他被愤怒的校长赶出了学校。The story a rescue, the rescue of a bad brat's life in the post-WWII period. In 1947, Roger reaches 11 years old. He's a kid badly loved, mischievous and specializes in silly things to do. He is sent to a small boarding school in a small village. Mumu reigns over here. She's not the bitchest school teacher of the area. Roger has already been expelled from several schools and this is his last chance to avoid the reformatory his father has been promising him for a long time. But this is will change with the vigilance of Mumu, who, despite her strict aspects, proves herself to have a big heart.