“攻击者(Panzer)”是指身穿具有将各种素质具体化能力的盔甲“重甲”,以被称为“Tool”的武器来进行战斗的特殊能力者。本来攻击者只能由具备良好身体素质和进行过严格训练的人才能当上,但由于后来很多人把攻击者比试当成一种竞技,所以人们购买简单的配备就能称为初级攻击者。随着人口增加,包括初级者在内,帝都等大都会区每十个人就有一个是攻击者。 身为攻击者的螺旋皇国第三公主·琉璃堂杜莉丝正式入读帝都学园,但由于之前深居宫廷,所以她不懂世故,在入学后不断碰壁,与其他攻击者的较量也以失败收场。但经过一番挫折后,杜莉丝渐渐学会了如何与人相处,并在姐姐杜莉亚的训练下,开始成为一名出色的攻击者……TK-221 and TK-212 head down to Coruscant to appear on the television show ONE 2 ONE with Skip Antilles. During the interview the troopers recall their first meeting and how they became the elite troopers for the Empire they are today. In the course of the interview they discuss high school, their whirlwind run on the Imperial Poker Tour, and their short time spent in the business world.