班德拉斯饰演的记者马科斯,爱上了马戏团表演马术和枪法的演员安娜。谈话,看照片,打枪,喝酒,接吻,然后就相爱了。实在是平淡,简单,安恬自然,是清风明月,是小桥溪水。如此走下去,即便是分分合合,爱欲交困,甚至情人末路,观者无不可坦然接受。然而关于二人爱情的片段至此戛然而止,偏要让班德拉斯退场,由安娜演起独角戏。然后出现几个不相干的人,上演了一幕惊心动魄的雨夜摧花。等闲平地,一场突发风暴就这样明目张胆的安插进来,使得观者目瞪口呆措手不及。 于是,两个人的爱情,变成了一个人的复仇。处理得狂妄的恣意......Ana is an equestrian sharpshooter for a one ring circus in Madrid for a week. Marcos is a reporter doing a Sunday supplement piece. He interviews her and she invites him to dinner with the troupe. They dance, then spend the night together; he considers following her around Europe and promises he'd follow her to Hell. While he's in Barcelona to cover a concert, three young men assault her. Bruised, humiliated, and bleeding, she picks up her rifle to hunt them down. Marcos follows her trail that, indeed, takes him to Ana's hell.