明治末年,大正初期,十市是一名将家安在河边的船夫,他每天的工作是划船接送形形色色的人过河。为了方便村民的出行,一座横跨河两岸的桥即将落成。村民兴高采烈地讨论着桥落成后的便利,只有十市对此有着复杂的感觉。某日,他从河里救了一名受伤的神秘年轻女子。无处可去的她最终只能返回十市家中,这次邂逅开始改变了十市的生活。小田切让首次执导长片,入选威尼斯电影节威尼斯日单元,浅野忠信、苍井优、永濑正敏亦有参与演出。Why does one need a ferryman? One needs a ferryman where there is a body of water and a bridge does not exist. The village high in the hills has a ferryman, but a bridge is in the works. The poor peasant is about to become even more poor. The people, livestock and goods won't need his services much longer. His life also takes an abrupt turn another way. He meets a young girl on a day when everything was supposed to go like any other day.