新战国时代,忍者们展开着与妖怪们激烈的战斗。以战斗末了,猿飞佐助为首的5人的忍者们,在自无敌将军们三神将被给予的「封印的门」中关锁妖怪总司令和妖怪们的能源的,事上成功了。丢失能源并在人类社会融洽了的妖怪カッパは,欺骗猿飞佐助的子孙佐助和雾隐的子孙才藏,使之开了东京湾有了的封印的门。注视了祖先世世代代封印的门的血统的少女鹤姫决定与去除了封印的佐助与才藏,三好入道清海的子孙清海,并且从美国来的见雷也的子孙见雷也的4人一起,同500年前的祖先同样进行妖怪封印。一边经营绉纱衬衣铺,一边持续妖怪封印的旅行。A long time ago, a group of ninjas (Sasuke, Saizou, Seikai, Tsuruhime, Jiraiya) imprison Nurarihiyon and his band of Youkai. Many years later, Modern-day Sasuke and Saizou accidentally release the Youkai from their imprisonment. Tsuruhime comes along and tells the Hapless duo of their lineage. The ancestors appear and give them their Doron Changers. Sasuke, Saizou, and Tsuruhime then go to find the last two descendants (Modern-day Seikai and Jiraiya).