ベトナム戦争下、米軍に統治された沖縄の歓楽街コザ。そこで暮らす良は、米軍基地に忍び込んでは物資をくすね闇市で小遣いを稼いでいた。血縁のない兄の銀は、米軍のAサインBARで用心棒として喧嘩にまみれた日々を過ごしている。そんなある日、妹とソーキそば屋を切り盛りする母のカミィが、米軍のジープにひかれて重傷を負う。良は治療費を稼ごうと大和ヤクザの武器庫に忍び込むが…An Okinawan sansen (3 stringed guitars) player named Ryo and his experiences growing up in Okinawa in 1968. Ryo meets an American military soldier named George, and they discover that they have more similarities than differences. The atmosphere of the film is heavily charged with discrimination and prejudice - Okinawans and Japanese (yes there is a difference-big difference in fact), US military and Japanese/Okinawans, officers and enlisted soldiers- and takes place with echoes of the civil rights movement lingering in the backdrop.