故事发生在19世纪,围绕聪慧热情、自由奔放的艾琳娜·马克思展开,她是马克思最小的女儿。作为第一批将女权主义和社会主义联系在一起的女性,她年轻时便投身国际共产主义事业,参加了当时的许多政治活动,关心劳工和女性的权益,并且致力于消除童工。1883年,她结识了英国著名的生物学教授、马克思主义者爱德华·艾威林——一个深深吸引着她,同时也让她走向人。两人间一段充满了激情和悲剧色彩的爱情故事就此开始……Bright, intelligent, passionate and free, Eleanor is Karl Marx's youngest daughter. Among the first women to link the themes of feminism and socialism, she takes part in the workers' battles and fights for women's rights and the abolition of child labor. In 1883 she meets Edward Aveling and her life is crushed by a passionate but tragic love story.