影片改编自垣谷美雨的同名小说,天海在片中饰演以节约为宗旨的主妇后藤笃子。丈夫公司倒闭、与婆婆一起生活的笃子,辛辛苦苦攒下养老的钱,却为婆婆的葬礼付了将近400万日元,生活陷入困境的她甚至不得不借用女儿结婚用的钱。Atsuko and Akira are a husband and wife duo with a daughter and a son. Atsuko is in charge of the retirement finances. She saves from money given to her by her husband and also earns money herself by working part-time. She stretches every yen by leading a frugal life. yet, expenses come up. These include their daughter's upcoming wedding and the funeral expenses of the husband's father. Then, and at exactly the worst time, the couple finds itself unemployed.