萨米尔是一个美容院老板的小孩,别的小孩都是看着各种美丽的风景的图片长大。他却是从小看着各种形态各异的乳房的图片长大。因为这是他工作繁忙的妈妈每天研究的内容,美容院的竞争也是很激烈,萨米尔的妈妈好不容易找到一个能干的雇员,谁想那个雇员却没有法国绿卡,萨米尔妈妈只好找个男人来跟雇员假结婚以便留住这个得力的助手……When Isa, the overbooked, divorced mother of two finds out that her children's babysitter Latifa may have to leave the country due to visa problems, her future begins to look like a nightmare . To her Jewish mother's horror, she decides to form a civil union so Latifa can stay - Isa's sister Alice is the submissive wife of an impossible macho, but when she falls in love with the young, divorced and very handsome father of her daughter's friends, she begins to rediscover a sense of happiness - Their cousin Léa is very mistrustful of happiness. Her immaculate appearance hides her insecurities, yet she is funny and sensitive. Their friend Nina thinks a man should love her for who she is inside, but ever since the dashing Simon fancies her, Nina is not so radical about love.