因心理疾病的缘故,中年男子永野(佐野和宏 饰)从十几岁就住在福岛的精神病院,而今已经过去40年的岁月。2011年的东日本大地震,迫使永野随同众人四处避难。在此期间,他情知自己已经痊愈,于是获准重返社会。与外界近半个世纪的隔离,令永野有如突然回到凡间的浦岛太郎。 在他的心中,依然埋藏着对某个人的思念。而今那名叫幸子(伊藤清美 饰)的女性,为了避难和丈夫、孩子搬到东京居住。得知了对方的下落,永野骑上自行车前往东京……Nagano has spent the last 40 years of his life in a mental hospital in Fukushima. He is only able to leave after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. He then decides to catch up on his life, travelling by bike to Tokyo to meet the love of his youth. Rei SAKAMOTO tells a heartfelt story about missed chances, new beginnings, and love in the times of catastrophe.