“据说在18 岁生日那天,男生如果不把自己的元阳卸掉,会一辈子阴阳失调⋯⋯。”──这么ㄎ一ㄤ的都市传说,不管你信不信,反正阿烈跟神器这对哥俩好是信了!他们在神器成年那天,约了温柔妩媚的大姐姐到摩铁破处,没想到下一秒就出了人命!两人只好把脑筋动到网友西施身上,央求她帮忙开车弃尸。三个不把世界看在眼里、也不被世界看在眼里的青年,就这样踏上月黑黑、风高高的异色公路,前往传说中的台湾秘境,体验一场生死与友情的顿悟之旅。Big D desperately wants to lose his virginity on his 18th birthday. But when his Christian girlfriend rejects his advances, his best friend Zulie comes up with a plan that ends up going disastrously off the rails. An edgy comedy that depicts young male camaraderie in shocking and extreme ways, this hysterical ride stands above its genre counterparts with an honest approach to juvenile mischief and teen angst.