
原名:Шпион   又名:

状态:1937播放   更新:2023-08-23 01:08:36

有才华的分析家安德烈-雷宾在联邦安全局打击有组织犯罪和腐败的部门工作。他即将退休,这样他终于可以休息,并有更多时间与他的妻子、成年女儿和心爱的狗在一起。突然,前中央情报局官员多诺万来到瑞宾身边。25年前,他把非法情报员Rybin介绍到俄罗斯,现在他要求履行他的义务。然而,Rybin明白,俄罗斯已经成为他自己的,现在是她,而不是遥远的美国,才是他的祖国,必须得到保护和保障。@游目骋观影A talented analyst Andrey Rybin works for the FSB in the department for combating organized crime and corruption. He is about to retire so that he can finally rest and spend more time with his wife, adult daughter and beloved dog. Suddenly, former CIA officer Donovan comes to Rybin. Twenty-five years ago, he introduced the illegal intelligence agent Rybin to Russia and now he demands the fulfillment of his obligations. However, Rybin understands that Russia has become his own, and now it is she, and not distant America, that is his homeland, which must be protected and protected.
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