Félix Bachand出狱后试图重建人生,融入社会,直到他遇见了Dominic Couture后,俩人以及周围众人的生活开始发生变化 18岁以下未成年人不宜观看,18岁以下未成年人如需观看需满15岁最低观看年龄门槛,15岁以下青少年儿童禁止观看,满15岁,18岁以下未成年人须在成年家长陪同下观看(分级警告)-\"Fragile\" tells the story of an improbable meeting, that of Dominic Couture and Félix Bachand, their terribly singular and tragic friendship in a small provincial town, whose mysterious death will create a shockwave in their respective families, revealing in passing hitherto jealously protected secrets, strange liaisons and hidden intentions.