故事发生在邦华学园之中,英俊帅气的芹生冬至(广濑智纪 饰)是校园里的名人,因为每个星期一,他都会和第一个跟他告白的人交往,然而一个星期过后便必然分手。虽然这听起来有些荒唐和胡来,但冬至内里其实是一个非常专一和注重感情的人。 筱弓弦(山田·詹姆斯·武 饰)是高中三年级的学长,和冬至不同,尽管拥有精致的外表,但在感情里,他却总是扮演被甩掉的那一方。某日,冬至和筱弓弦在学校门口相遇了,误打误撞之中,筱弓弦向冬至告了白,就这样,两人开始了为期一周的交往,在此过程中,筱弓弦渐渐爱上了温柔的冬至,然而,向来不露声色的冬至却依旧我行我素。Toji is a popular high school boy who is easy to get, but difficult to keep. He will date anyone who asks him on a Monday, but is done with the person by the end of the week. Fellow student Yuzuru has broken many girls' hearts and been dumped often. Then Yuzuru becomes interested in Toji and spontaneously asks him out.