小人物二宫启之(滨田岳 饰)对外的名头是建设咨询顾问,其实就是作为中间人帮助建设施工单位解决黑道的骚扰问题,通过介绍相熟的帮派担任“事前保卫”搞定不便于惊动警方的麻烦,其父亲曾身为黑道头目的身份也为之提供了便利。在新近一次事件中,二宫得以结识隶属二蝶会的兴业会营业部负责人——曾经的武斗派桑原保彦(北村一辉 饰)。桑原看似鲁莽,实则精明狡黠,二宫将其视为瘟神一般的存在。经人介绍,二宫接手小畠一三(赤井英和 饰)的废料中间处理场的调停工作。二宫希望能以此摆脱缠身的债务,谁知这一过程中却卷入了黑道的背景。他和桑原越陷越深,二宫身体内嗜血搏命的基因也渐渐被激发出来…… 本片根据黑川博行的原作改编。Construction "consultant" Ninomiya Hiroyuki [Hamada Gaku] is actually a broker who utilizes the talents of the yakuza to protect construction sites from other clans trying to muscle in. On one such job, he makes the acquaintance of Kuwahara Yasuhiko [Kitamura Kazuki], a tough, intelligent, accomplished yakuza enforcer and debt-collector. Immediately, Kuwahara dislikes Ninomiya and has no problem saying so and, just as effortlessly, meek Ninomiya is resigned to bear Kuwahara's mistreatment and blatant disrespect. Despite their differences, or perhaps due to them, fate seems adamant on the two cooperating as they discover a vast web of schemes and an abundance of adversaries.